National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) ValuePoint Contract – Master Agreement #3407 Systems Engineering, Inc. (SEI) was awarded. NASPO ValuePoint is the nation’s largest public cooperative contracting organization. All of the cooperative contracts are led by one of the 50 states on behalf of the other states. ValuePoint is a non-profit subsidiary of the National Association of State Procurement Officials to provide states, local governments, public educational entities, etc. with best value contracts to support their important missions.
About: SuperAdmin
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Recent Posts by SuperAdmin
Mission Driven System Integration
ISM begins with a process. This process entails four distinct steps: We look at the mission of the organization; we determine the assets required to carry out that mission; we visualize the data; and then we share that visualization for collaborative purposes. We call this process mission driven system integration (MDSI). MDSI is the design approach that is focused on improving client productivity by presentation of data as a picture. In this way data becomes information. A picture is worth a thousand words is the old saying. Finally, MDSI shares this picture throughout the enterprise.
Integrated Situational Management
Integrated Situational Management (ISM)
Integrated Situational Management (ISM) ISM is a fact-based decision support system designed to facilitate the sharing of data and collaboration within any enterprise. ISM is a SEI integrated solution that: Uses COTS products to provides a common operating picture and to provide Situational Awareness within an enterprise. ISM unifies & manages both physical systems & non-physical systems to provide insight into all events. ISM enables better business decisions at all levels, provides risk mitigation and allows for big data analytics. The Core Element of ISM is the Mission of the Enterprise, Identity of the Asset/Data that Supports the Mission, the Visualization of Asset/Data in a Common Operating Picture (COP) and the Collaboration and Sharing the COP with the Enterprise. ISM is a Fact -based decision support system designed to facilitate the Sharing of data and Collaboration within any Enterprise.- Integrated Situational...
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